Legal Framework

For more information see also the text about legal framework “KWKG” on the German website and the actual law on the official German site:

According to the Federal Combined Heat and Power Association Bundesverband Kraft-Wärme-Kopplung e.V. (B.KWK)) the new law, namely KWKG 2016 will most probably further promote the expansion of CHP in Germany.

In accordance to the new CHP act, owners of CHP plants with a CHP capacity of more than 100 kWel, are obliged to either directly sell the electricity or consume it. A direct sale takes place when the electricity is being delivered to a third party (§4 Abs. 1 KWKG 2016).

Contrary to larger producers, CHP owners with a CHP-capacity of < 100 kWel have the possibility to sell the produced electricity to their local network operator at a fixed price. Should both parties fail to negotiate a price, the sales price is set equal to the so-called “usual price”. The “usual price” equals the average price for base-load electricity as traded on the Leipzig EEX (aka. CHP /KWK/ - Index) (EEX = European Energy Exchange) (§4 Abs. 2 KWKG 2016). This way the law grants a minimum price (CHP-Index) and a secure take-off party (the network operator).

Supplementary payments according to KWKG 2016

The supplementary payments or Feed-in Tariffs have been risen significantly for certain CHP plant operators, compared to KWKG 2012. For example, CHP plants that feed their electricity into the network receive a much higher remuneration per MWh compared to CHP plants operating under KWKG 2012. Noticeably, when wholesale prices on the Spot Market (EPEX Spot SE in Paris) are negative, CHP owners do not receive the FiT for the hours they have operated (§7 Abs. 7 KWKG 2016).


KWKG 2016

For the capacity…

Feeding into the public network
(Direct Selling)  

§ 7 section 1 and 2 KWKG 2016

<50 kWel

8,0 €Cent/kWh

>50 kWel <100 kWel

6,0 €Cent/kWh

>100 kWel <250 kWel

5,0 €Cent/kWh

>250 kWel <1000 kWel

4,4 €Cent/kWh

>50000  kWel

3,1 €Cent/kWh

+ TEHG (§7 section. 5)

+ 0,3 €Cent/kWh

…, …, that replaces a coal power plant

+ 0,6 €Cent/kWh

Table 2: Supplementary payments for CHP electricity according to § 7 KWKG 2016: Feeding into the public network

Most certainly, the new support scheme would attract the attention of a certain type of CHP owners, those being e.g. municipal or any type of utilities. The direct selling of the produced CHP electricity counts to their core competencies, causing almost no additional costs while trying to market it and operate a CHP plant.

For the capacity…

CHP plants <100 kWel for the in-house consumption
(§7 section 3 Nr. 1) 

Supply within a closed network (EEG Allocation compulsory)
(§7 Abs. 3 Nr.2)

Energy intensive industry in-house consumption (§7 section 3 Nr. 3)

<50 kWel

4,0 €Cent/kWh

4,0 €Cent/kWh

5,41 €Cent/kWh

>50 kWel <100 kWel

3,0 €Cent/kWh

3,0 €Cent/kWh

4,00 €Cent/kWh

>100 kWel <250 kWel


2,0 €Cent/kWh

4,00 €Cent/kWh

>250 kWel <1.000 kWel


1,5 €Cent/kWh

2,40 €Cent/kWh

>50.000 kWel


1,0 €Cent/kWh

1,80 €Cent/kWh

+ TEHG (§7 section 5)


+ 0,3 €Cent/kWh

+ 0,3 €Cent/kWh

Table 3: Supplementary payments for CHP electricity according to § 7 KWKG 2016: Direct consumption; in-house consumption or delivery.

According to KWKG 2016 the in-house consumption is not always eligible for supplementary payments. The new law labels only several types of industries as eligible. Moreover, the payments per kWh are lower, compared to those for producers feeding their electricity into the public network.

CHP plants <2 kWel

A cumulated payment of 4 €Cent/kWh for the duration of 60.000 Utilization Hours (UH).
(§9 KWKG 2016)

Existing CHP plants > 2 MWel

Payments of 1.5 €Cent/kWh for 16 000 UH. Applicable of the electricity is supplied to a third party and if the plant runs on gas fuels. The UH are reduced by the total amount of UH bur no less than 4 000 UH.(§13 KWKG 2016)

Table 4: Supplementary payments for CHP electricity

Duration of the FiT/ Supplementary payments for new, modernized or upgraded CHP plants 

The following chart gives an overview of the FiT/ Supplementary payments duration based on the full utilization hours of a CHP plant.

For new power plants (§8 sections 1 and 2 KWKG 2016)

Utilization hours (UH)

< 50 kWel

60.000 UH

> 50 kWel

30.000 UH

For modernized power plants (§8 section 3 KWKG 2016)

If the modernization takes place at least 5 years:

a) after the power plant has been initially taken in to operation


b) after the restart of the continued operation of the renovated power plant.

15.000 UH


a) the costs for modernizing the power plant amount to at least 50% of the costs (…) needed to install a new power plant;


b) the modernization takes place at least 10 years after the initial period of continued operation (…).

30.000 UH

For upgraded power plants (§8 section 4 KWKG 2016)

1. The cost for upgrade amount to 10% to 25% of the costs needed to install a new power plant

10.000 UH

2. The cost for upgrade amount to 25% to 50% of the costs needed to install a new power plant

15.000 UH

3. The cost for upgrade amount to 50% or more of the costs needed to install a new power plant

30.000 UH

Table 5: Duration of the FiT/ Supplementary payments for new, modernized or upgraded CHP plants

Supplementary payments for Heating and Cooling networks as well as Heating and Cooling storage 

A financial subsidy, after fulfilling the preconditions stipulated in KWKG 2016, is available for the following arrangements: 

  • Heating and Cooling networks (building new or expansion of existing)
  • Heating and Cooling storage (building new)


Supplementary payments for building new or expanding existing Heating and Cooling networks 

The construction or expansion of Heating and Cooling networks is eligible for a supplementary payment, if within 36 months after being put in operation, the network’s heating or cooling is supplied at least 75% from a CHP plant. (Heat from renewable energy sources and in some cases, industrial waste heat, is considered equal to heat from a CHP plant (at least 50%), as long as at least 25% of the heat is still provided by a CHP unit). 

Small networks (with an average nominal diameter of up to 100 mm) are eligible for a supplementary payment amounting to 100 € per meter line, however, no more than a total 40% of the identifiable expenses for building or renovating the network.

The payment is limited to 20 million euro per project. The application is to be submitted at The Federal Office of Economics and Export Control (BAFA).


Supplementary payments for building new Heating and Cooling storage

The construction of Heating and Cooling storage is eligible for a supplementary payment, , the storage’s heating or cooling is supplied at least 50% from a CHP plant. (Heat from renewable energy sources and in some cases, industrial waste heat, is considered equal to heat from a CHP plant, as long as at least 25% of the heat is still provided by a CHP unit). 

The payment amounts to 250 Euro for a cubic meter water equivalent of the Heat/Cooling storage.

For storages with a volume exceeding 50 cubic meter water equivalent, the payment cannot exceed 30 % of the identifiable expenses for building the storage.

The payment is limited to 10 million euro per project. The application is to be submitted at The Federal Office of Economics and Export Control (BAFA)


Supplementary payments for newly build Heating and Cooling networks (§§ 18 and 19 KWKG 2016)

Nominal diameter <100 mm

100 euro per linear meter;
Max. 40% of the investment costs

Nominal diameter >100 mm

30% of the investment costs for newly built or expanded networks

Max. 20 mill euro per project; if > 15 mill euro: An approval on the supplementary payments by the European Commission is required.

Supplementary payments for Heating and Cooling storages (§§ 22, 23 and 25 KWKG 2016)

250 euro per cubic meter water equivalent;
Max. 30% of the investment cost for a storage with a capacity of 50 m3 water equivalent.

Max. 10 mill euro per project; Heat losses should remain under < 15 Watt/m2.


Table 6: Supplementary payments for Heat and Cooling networks and Heating and Cooling Storages